
Taking the Head of Goliath - Hated By All!
If there is one thing that I miss from the early days of Christian Metal it is people who were not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and these days when it comes to taking a solid stance there are many bands who supposedly profess their faith in Christ, but have a definite lack of boldness in their proclamation. A good amount are using it as a catalyst to eventually break into the secular market and then you have the ones who have severely watered down or presented ultra-cryptic lyrics and let us not forget the, “oh, we are just out to entertain, we are not a Christian band just a band of Christians” mentality.
Thankfully there seems to be a resurgence of artists in the genre countering this mindset and are not holding back when it comes to letting the world know exactly what they are about. One of these bands is the ferocious beast known as Taking the Head of Goliath. These guys are the real deal! Blast beats and guttural vocal blast encapsulate the core of their sound while lyrically and visually they make no bones about their servitude towards God.
I caught up with the guys for a chat on the final date of the 2020 edition of the Hasten Revelation tour when it hit Las Vegas back in March. Speaking about the tour itself as well as what comes next, new music, concerns over the ongoing so-called pandemic and how they are dealing were posed. Also of course I had to ask about the imagery, the sound of the band and the environments they find themselves in. You know, the usual stuff, haha!